(CZ) Poznámky k vývinu pedagogickej diagnostiky v SRN
(EN) Notices to the educational diagnostics development in the Germany
Autor / Author: Kompolt, P.
Klíčová slova / Key words: pedagogická diagnostika, dejiny pedagogickej diagnostiky, reformná pedagogika, školská výkonnosť kriteriálne testy, posudzovanie žiakov, kvantitatívne a kvalitatívne metódy
Pedagogická diagnostika v SRN pri svojej diferenciácii prebiehala v dvoch etapách. Prvú etapu, vlastne predetapu reprezentujú podnety reformného hnutia, druhu vývoj od sedemdesiatych rokov, keď sa sformovala ako samostatná disciplína vied o výchove.
The educational diagnostics has developed since the sixties as a special discipline of the sciences about education. It has kept its specific position ensuring from the traditional pedagogical thinking in Germany.
The gradual forming of the educational diagnostics happened in two stages: The first was stimulated by the reform pedagogics, while the real differenciation of the educational diagnostics has been carried out only from the seventies, and it is only this stage which neanes its gradual establishing in the system of sciences concening education. The elementary ternds aim at the integration of quantitative processe and at deliminating the selective social norms. It has kept the qualities of an empirical science with the basic aim at the evaluation of the learners' school effectivity
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