(CZ) K počátkům zkoumání a řešení problematiky obsahu vzdělání v našich podmínkách
(EN) To the beginnigs of investigating and solving the educational problems under our conditions
Autor / Author: Dostál, A. M.
Klíčová slova / Key words: obsah vzdělání, základní učivo, empirické výzkumy vyučovacího procesu, nedostatky výběru a zpracování učiva
Studie analyzuje přístupy k řešení problematiky obsahu vzdělání v naší pedagogické teorii 2. poloviny šedesátých let. Svou pozornost soustřeďuje na kritické zhodnocení empirických výzkumů tohoto období. Nepřehlíží jejich přínos, ale také poukazuje na nedostatky výběru a zpracování učiva, které i později negativně ovlivňovaly působení výchovně vzdělávací soustavy.
In this article the enlightening of the beginnings of the scientific and research activities in the area of our educational theory and practice since the half of the 20th century is the question. This scientific activity anchored in empirical researches was provoked by the need to reveal the causes of failures which, were shown in the actual teacher’s acdvity as well as in the pupil’s learning activity. It was found that a significant cause of these troubles was the superfluity of the teaching materials which kept the teacher away from his or her creativity — and the learners from acquiring command of the subject matter with comprehension. Otakar Chlup’s conception of the so called "basic" teaching material was of most significant help when investigating the problems mentioned above. O. Chlup had rahered a number of workers from different branches of science in the effort not only to find the reasons of overburfening the teachers and learners by an always increasing amocunt of the subject matter but also to elaborate a well thought out, educationally and psychologically well founded didactization of the subject matter in the teaching plans, teaching schedules, textbooks and other teaching aids. Thus an always broader road for the development of the scientific and research activities was opened, in whose results the complex picture of our educational system was shown significantly as well as the need of solving its reform on scientific foundations.
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