(CZ) Pedagogické teorie vzdělání a vnitřní reforma školy
(EN) The pedagogical theories of education and the school reform
Autor / Author: Skalková, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words: teorie vzdělání, hnutí za reformu kurikula, pedagogika hermeneutická a emancipační, iniciativy alternativní, reforma školy vnitřní
Studie je založena na hisloricko-srovnávací analýze pedagogických teorií vzdélání, rozvíjených po druhé světové válce až do současnosti. Objasňuje; charakteristické rysy reformy kurikula, realizované v USA a později v četných dalších zemích; koncepci vzdělání, rozvíjenou v tradicích duchovědné a emancipační pedagogiky zvláště v NSR; názory na vzdělávání v některých soudobých alternativních teoriích. Poukazuje na meze i podnětnost těchlo proudů pro soudobé řešení otázek vnilřní reformy školy.
The study presents an analysis of significant theories of educational contents which were developed after World War II. It gives a characterization of the curriculum reform movement. It shows under what conditions theories, proceeding from the hermeneutic education (the emancipation education) were developed. Further on those qualities of the alternative initiatives are the focus of our attention which are related to the educational content. The goal of the author is to formulate stimulations which, as a consequence of a critical evalution of those streams, are capable of being important for the contemporary solving of the problems of the revision of the educational contents of the school. In these connections our attention is drawn to the problems of the humanization of education, to the need of a new solvation of the science-education relation, the relations of the theoretical getting-toknow and the experience of the teachers. It points at the need of overcoming the onesided rationalism in the school education, the need to apply the proper regard to the emotional aspects, to the development of creativity, intuition and fantasy of the learners.
The author also demeads the necessary corrections of the concept of general education; new relations between general and professional educational contents should be searched above all.
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