(CZ) Cesty k demokratizaci a humanizaci řízení škol
(EN) Ways to humanization and democratization of school management
Autor / Author: Bacík, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words: centralisticko-administrativní řízení, decentralizace řízení, samosprávný princip ve školství, kooperace ve škole, kooperativní řízení školy
Za významný faktor k překonání centralisticko-administrativního pojetí a praxe řízení se v odborné literatuře považuje decentralizace řízení a uplatňování samosprávného principu. Platí tento požadavek také ve školství a je reflektován v pedagogice? V odpovědi na uvedenou otázku se konfrontují zahraniční poznatky a zkušenosti se současnou situací u nás.
The efforts of decentralization and application of the principle of the self-government in managing schools is directed to the overcoming of the centralistic and administrative conception and practice of the managing of schools whose results are seen in the byrocratization of entire activities of our schools during the last decades. The author enlightens the conception of the decentralization and self-government and points at their extraordinary signficance in the school system. On the base of both our and foreign empirical experience he pays attention to the realtions between the teachers’ participation in the schools managing on one side, and their mutual co-operation as well as lo Ihc complex atmosphere of the school on the other side.
In another part of the article the author deals with the director’s role and with that ol the self-governmental school organs when developing the co-operation. He mentions the pre-suppositions and conditions of carrying out the so called co-operative management and deliminates this style of school management. On the base of his own empirical researches data he summarizes the main findings in the conclusion of the article where he also formulates suggestions and recommandations for the solving of the contemporary situation.
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