(CZ) Pedagogická psychologie - současný stav a potřeby školy
(EN) Educational psychology - contemporary conditions and the needs of the school
Autor / Author: Kulič, V., Mareš, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words: pedagogická psychologie, reforma školství
Studie se zamýšlí nad situací čs. pedagogické psychologie. Vymezuje pojetí oboru vzhledem k jiným psychologickým oborům i vzhledem k pedagogice. Uvádí vlivy, které v posledních 20 letech komplikovaly rozvoj oboru. Ukazuje, jak se posouvalo a rozšiřovalo tematické zaměření oboru, jak se měnila metodologie výzkumů. Formuluje čtyři okruhy činností, v nichž může obor pomoci vnitřní reformě čs. škol.
The educational psychology development was stigmatized by ideological pressures more strongly than other branches of psychology which proceeded from the edforced superiority of education that itself used to be an enforced apology of our-of-science goals. In spite of that the educational psychology tried to defend its scientific independence and its actual social usefulness with the more pains. Realtions toward education and the didactics are being deliminated, and so are relations toward other fields of psychology, to new scientific disciplines or humanistic conceptions.
At the same time it is being pointed at the necessity to assimilate new advance in technique, technology, information and communicative approaches. All these trends indicate possibilities of educational psychology as of an all- sidedly enlightened but fully independent discipline help the school of today, especially its inner reform.
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