(CZ) Modely organizácie a riadenia výchovy a vzdelávania
(EN) Organisation and managing of educational models
Autor / Author: Obdržálek, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words: model racionálne organizovanej riadenej školy, model humánnej relácie uplatňovaný pri riadení školy, model postmodernej organizácie a riadenia škol, integrovaný model organizácie a riadenia škol
V studii sa interpretuje dlhotrvajúci dialóg v USA a SRN k teoretickým východiskám riadenia škol. V ďalšej časti sa analyzujú a hodnotia teoretické přístupy k modelom riadenia škól, a to k modelu racionálně organizovanej a riadenej školy, k modelu humánnej relácie uplatňovanej pri riadení školy, k modelu postmodernej organizácie a riadenia škol s k integrovanému modelu organizácie a riadenia škol.
In his study the author investigates the opinions of formeign professionals on attitudes to the organization and managing of the education and its modeling. He analyses and evaluates the model of a rationally organized and managed school, the model of the human relation applied in the school management, the model of ca post-modern organization
and managing the schools and finally the integrated model of the organization and managing of the schools. He gives reasons of both advantages and negative features of individual models. He achieves the opinion that the educational process at school is in progress in a symbiosis of educational views, organizational rules and the managing process, that the rational and human processes are interrelated in more directions, that education and organization are limited by the self-regualtion and self-organizing of an individual, and that the entire educational, organizational and management processes depend on the surrounding of the school.
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