(CZ) Negramotnost - globální problém současnosti
(EN) Illiteracy, the global problem of the present time
Autor / Author: Morkes, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
According to the present statistics of the UNESCO organization nearly 900 million illiterate people live in our world today. This fact means that nearly 28% of the world’s population older than fifteen years of age are not able to read or write. The crushing majority of the illiterates live in the developing countries, the most deprived area being Asia with its 666 million illiterates. Even though the percentage of the illiterates in the world’s population dropped for more than 5%, the,absolute arrival of more than 140 millibn people is warning. The prognoses are not optimistic either; if the arrival of the population continues at the same rate no radical changes in the development of educational systems and alphabet companies in the most deprived countries are carried out, there will be about 912 million adults with no command of reading or writing living on the Earth in the year 2000.
The illiteracy is expanded in the countries with the poorest living conditions hitting mostly women and the population in the country. The illiteracy liquidation, one of the first rate premises of any further economic progress, represents a serious problem for most of the developing countries. The requirement of esta-blishing an effectively operating school system with not only a satisfactory capacity but covering also areas difficult to reach with the entire population surpasses the present possibilities of the developing countries. So far still 123 million school age children do not attend school, a considerably high number do not go to school regularly and do not attain even the basic education. Those countries showing a low percentage of children attending school usually also have a considerably high number of illiterate population. According to the decision of the General Assembly of the UNO the year 1990 was proclaimed the International Year of the Struggle against. Illiteracy, the all world coordination of all actions having been cons-igned to the UNESCO Organization.
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