(CZ) K některým příčinám poklesu prospěchu při přechodu ze základní školy na gymnázium a střední průmyslové školy
(EN) To some reason of the standard decline at the transition from the basic school to grammar or vocational secondary school
Autor / Author: Kratochvíl, M., Matuška, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The pupils transition from basic to secondary schools has been associated with a standard decline. The goal of the research was to reveal some of the main causes of this standard decline in the first forms of secondary schools. The research was carried out with 1 068 grammar school students and vocational schools students. The experimental project „ex post facto“, and explorative methods were used for the interpretation of the results, those methods having been applied both on the students, and the teachers. Also the intellectual capacity of the students was examined.
The research has shown that the standard decline remains a major didactic problem also in the new conception. This decline is caused by a number of factors. The possible causes cannot be reduced to a poor pupils’ preparation, teachers’ poor educational work, or a lowered pupils’ rational effectivity. The standard decline, being caused by a rather large number of factors, is a problem, where dominant factors can be determined only with difficulties. The dominancy of a certain factor depends on the subject and his or her relation to the reality and his or her being interested in it in a relative way. Different factors are held dominant by the teachers, different by the students, another opinion again is shared by a reasearch worker who is not a direct partaker in the educational process at a secondary school.
In spite of that the resesarch workers think it is possible to accept some measures which might contribute to moderating the existing standard troubles of the first forms pupils at the secondary schools in general. First of all a better cooperation of the basic school and the secondary school could help here, for which optimal conditions have been established by reconstructing the university teachers’ preparation itself, the senior basic forms teachers and the secondary teachers being given an equable educational and vocational training.
The research has shown that the secondary school teachers are not always so didactically and psychologically erudite as to respect the age specialities of the first forms secondary school students. Therefore it occurs to be a potentionally useful arrangement to let each secondary school teacher experience a certain educational practice at the basic school. This is being practiced in the frame of the university study but as it is very short its effectivity is rather limited in the respect to the problem followed here. Further on the authors consider it useful to advise the secondary school teachers, especially class-masters, to remediate insufficiencies and mistakes of their pupils, of their study habits, or their study styles, and that from the very beginning of their educational work. Also some kind of cooperation with the workers of the educational and psychological bureaus or with the methodicians of the teachers’ training faculties might contribute to the optimal solution of the problem.
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