(CZ) K metodologickým otázkám hodnotenia učebníc
(EN) To the methodological evaluation of the textbooks
Autor / Author: Hrehovčík, T.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The goal of this study is to deliminate the category of evaluation of the textbooks on the basis of metatheoretical dimensions proceeding from the category of the educational evaluation. The textbooks evaluation is defined from the points—of—views of 1. the concept itself, 2. functions, 3. object 4. methods 5. criteria 6. the addressee, the administrator, the process of the textbooks evaluation. In the case of the concept delimination, functions and the addressee the study, for fhe sake of methodological reasons, is orientated at generally valid postulates while with the rest of dimensions it is focused at the problems of foreign languages textbooks.
The dimensions defined above are seen as the starting-point for the further systematic work aimed at improving the methodology of evaluating the quality of teaching materials. The work is a proces containing the following four phases: 1. the project (category of evaluating, evaluation paramétrés, qualitative indicators). 2. the development (elaborating the testing complex). 3. the application (practical use), 4. (the checking) designation pf the validity of the complex and its modification).
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