(CZ) Prognostické otázky rozvoje vzdělání
(EN) The problems of prognostics in the process of education
Autor / Author: Pařízek, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The article deals with the problem of how to make prognoses in the field of pedagogics. Its starting point is in the idea that the measure of satisfying the social needs is no longer determined only by the natural riches of a country and the level achieved in its industrial advance, but niore and more by the development of science and education conditioned by the character of a given society.
Education is an important factor in every individual step to be taken in the development of the society. That is why niaking pedagogical prognoses as a compound of educational planning is being developed in two directions:
1. By the means of an analysis of the relations of education and the social needs, and of the social getting to know, and the activities. Training and education are derived from those factors being at the same time conditions of their advance. They can be stimulated or slowed down by them.
2. By the means of an analysis of those moments that determinate the quality of education, one of the presuppositions of an effective prognosis being the precise measuring of the results of work of schools.
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