(CZ) A. S. Makarenko a dnešek
(EN) A. S. Makarenko and our time
Autor / Author: Pecha, L.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The characteristic features which in their co-operation maice Makarenko’s educational personality unreplaceable by any other great pedagogs can be summed up into five points: Firstably he derived his experiences and conclusions from the area of re-education of the war orphans, and generalized then those experiences making them available for a broad educational exploitation, the second point being the fiction-like expressing his thoughs behind which a precise, logically joint system of ideas is hidden. Another fundamental feature of Makarenko’s pedagogical personality is tying up his educational conception with the goals and needs of the socialist society. The fourth feature is seen in Makarenko’s polemic with herbartism, not in the name of liberalism which was the case with the bourgeois pedagogics in the beginning of the century, but in the name of emphasis on such an educational process which is not identical with the process of teaching, and is based in an energetically managed self-government The fifth and expressive feature is methodological conception of a system approach to educational problems.
A very reliable interesting and not yet fully explained question in the process of the after death and gradually victorious expansion of Makarenko’s ideas. The main system elements of Makarenko’s contribution to the worid’s pedagogics are: the dialectology of pedagogics, the scientifically research and experimental procedure, the educational perspectivism, expressed in the system of perspective outlines, and at last his extensive and widely known theory of a collective education. In this essay only the question of originality of this system-conceived theory is being analysed.
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