(CZ) K vymezení předmětu obecné didaktiky, oborových a speciálních didaktik
(EN) To the limitation of the object of generals didactics and the branch and specific didactics
Autor / Author: Sýkora, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The goal of this study consists in contributing to the solving of some basic theoretical and methodological questions, which are common for a large group of didactic branches. The general didactics is one compound of that group, the others being the branch and the specific didactics. Their common research object is the teaching— one of the essencial forms of education. Individual didactic disciplines limit their different and specific objects against this object of research. The object of individual didactic disciplines in the object „teaching“ was destined by the help of a more-grades abstraction: in the field of general didactics general qualities of the teaching as such are explored. General and special didactics deal with those qualities that correspond to the teaching of a certain branch or school—subject. To make the destination of the branch and specific didactics more precise, an intellectual model of the interaction of the teaching with a certain field or form of the social practice was used, the corresponding scientific discipline including. With such an interaction specific modifications of the teaching qualities often appear—those then must be adapted to the qualities of that branch the teaching is integrated with (eventually with the corressponding scientific branch). And on the contrary, this field of the social practice as well as the corresponding scientific fields must—as if—become a form of the teaching — only then—in the form of the teaching (as teaching subjects, that is the teaching of something) — they acquire the effective formative qualities.
Further on some interesting dependencies are characterized here:
— the relation of the object of didactic disciplines, and the so called empirical complexity of the actul teaching,
— conditions influencing the homogenity of didactic theories,
— the relation of the research object, the teaching subject and an adequate terminology
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