(CZ) K některým otázkám optimalizace výchovně vzdělávacího procesu na gymnáziu
(EN) To some problems of the optimalization of the educational process at the grammar school
Autor / Author: Valenta, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The author of the article deals with the educational process at the grammar school, and that on the base of a theoretical conception of the optimalization of the educational process elaborated by J. K. Babansky. He makes us acquainted with some results of his research conducted in the years 1980—85, those results having been achieved in the frame of his thesis. He deals with two areas of problems:
1. Relations between educational goals anchored in the profile of a grammar school graduate as it is given by the document „Further Development of the Czechoslovak School System“, and the means applied in the actual educational processes at the grammar schools.
2 . Relations between actual learneis’ instructional possibilities and their development, and the evolution of the educational process at thfe grammar school.
The author concludes that the covering of educational goals can be achieved exclusively through applying the developing conception of the teaching. At the same time he points out that the traditional conception of the teaching still survives, and thinks of the reasons of that surviving. A significant problem of the contemporary grammar school is seen in the fact that both educational documents, and the teachers’ drafting and managing of the educational process fail to issue from different actual learning possibilities of the grammar school learners in individual stages of their grammar school studies. Also the principle of differentiation and an advancing of the contents, methods and forms of educational work have not been applied in a sufficient measure. It is on the behalf of those findings that the author claims that the differenciated conception of the educational and instructional processes at the grammar school should be dealt with more thoroughly, and that in the positions of both the theory and practice.
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