(CZ) Teorie branné výchovy a její vztahy k pedagogice
(EN) Concerning the Theory of Military Education and its Relations to Pedagogics
Autor / Author: Reitmayer, L.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The author points out that Czechoslovak pedagogical science does not, up to now, accept in a proper way the requirement for education directed toward the defense of the land (mother-country). This gap in Czechoslovak pedagogics is being filled in the last few years by a new, relatively independent discipline — the theory of military education.
The theory of military education clarifies relations between politics, the military and pedagogics. If it should become an organic part of pedagogical sciences, its findings must be integrated into pedagogics as a whole, as well as into its individual branches, i. e. into general pedagogics, the history of pedagogics and the theory of pedagogics. In conclusion the author proposes several measures which might secure the required integration.
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