(CZ) První systematické dílo české pedagogiky druhé poloviny 19. století
(EN) The First Systematic Work of Czech Pedagogy in the Latter Half of the 19th Century
Autor / Author: Cach, J., Rýdl, K.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
This article was written on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Lindner’s Pedagogical Encyclopedia.
Pedagogical Encyclopedia (Encyklopädisches Handbuch der Erziehungsl^ unde mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Volkschuiwesens, Wien u. Leipzig 1883,1039 pages including appendices) by Gustav Adolf Lindner (1828-1887) is the first encyclopedia of this kind in the Austro- Hungarian Monarchy and the inception of its author’s endeavours to create a system of bourgeois pedagogy in the Czech Lands. The conception of the encyclopedia, in which stress is laid on the theoretical foundations of pedagogy, on the history of pedagogy, on the state of education in the world, on auxiliary pedagogical sciences, on the didactis and methodology of elementary education, is the outcome of the late Englihtenment period’s utopian conception of education and character training as prime movers in the process of improving the capitalist society. The political orientation of the work is liberal, democratically bourgeois, critical of the shortcomings in education after 1869 and of underestimating the role of the masses in education. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the work are, like the beginning of the process of overcoming Herbart, inconsistent and even contradictory, tributary to the idealistic philosophy and pedagogy of the second half of the 19th century, against whose deduction of scientific
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