(CZ) Sociální prostředí jako výchovný činitel
(EN) Social Environment as an Element of Education
Autor / Author: Kraus, B.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The essay deals with problems connected with the role and the influence of environment in the educational process. The basic idea which serves as a starting point is the active approach of man to conditions which are surrounding him, and this therefore opens up possibilities to intervene reflectively within the environment, to change its conditions and to transform it into an educational milieu. In the introduction the author tries to bring to our attention the idea of the concep' tion of an environment valid for the area of social sciences and satisfactory foT pedagogical needs. In the following section of the essay he analyses various typologies of environment according to various criteria. Some of the typologies mentioned are imminently important for the pedagogical theory and practice. In his examination of the role of environinent the author emphacises the marxist approach which discloses enormous perspectives in the dialectic relations between the individual and nature in the process of the development of personality. for the field of education of the growing up generation.
The author illustrates theoretical refections on the role of environment in the development of personality by conclusions reached at in a research of the environment of 11 — 15 year old pupils of the basic schools. They show that the greatest role in the character formation of the pupil is played by the family environment, although local environment and the school environment are also of importance. In connection with the progress made in science and technology the average level of all types of environments is growing and is reflected by an increasing process of unification.
The principal part of the article reflects on possible uses of environment in education. The author points to those functions of environment which are deliberately moulded and transformed to be in harmony with the educational schemes and which could be employed as an educational device. He analyses chances for the pedagogization of the environment, for the creation of the most optimal conditions which would be of help in an effective educational process. He suggests several likely concrete approaches to create an educational milieu in individual areas. At the end of his article the author speaks of the need to study the beforementioned questions and to raise the level of qualification of the teachers in this field.
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