(CZ) Kritéria hodnocení učitele v současné socialistické škole
(EN) Criteria for Teacher Evaluation in Present-Day Socialist School
Autor / Author: Čepičková, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
As regards teacher evaluation, the knowledge and appraisal of teacher activities, there are certain norms expressing the society’s demands on the teacher and the social determination of teacher’s work. The fact that these demands are socially conditioned also accounts for their alteration and development.
This article presents a construction of a structured system of criteria for teacher evaluation, which corresponds to the structure of the education system and is expressed in categories of the teacher’s qualities and activities. Basic teachers activities are set out for the purpose of evaluating the teacher’s professional skills, and on the basis of this division a set of criteria is constructed for each activity, IN PRESENT-DAY SOCIAUST the criteria being evaluated by means of a four-grade scale.
The suggested structured system of criteria makes it possible to pinpoint numerous differences in teacher’s work and their causes and allows to give a comprehensive evaluation of the teacher’s activities from the viewpoint of his share in the optimum development of the pupils under his charge. It may provide not only the guidelines for controlling authorities in working out a comprehensive evaluation of the teacher but also the means for the diagnostics and correction of each teacher’s knowledge, skills and attitudes, and thereby also the means for the self-appraisal of one’s professional development.
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