(CZ) Leninské chápanie vzťahu školy a socialistickej mládežníckej organizácie
(EN) The Leninist View of the Realtionship of School and the Socialist Youth Organization
Autor / Author: Žilínek, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
School and the socialist youth organization have a special and unique position in the system of communist education of the youth. It is primarily their activities, their close co-operation and co-ordination that the effectiveness and effiency of the process of shaping the socialist personality of a young person depends on.
The author of the study outlines the genesis of the development of relations between school and tlie youth organization in the historical context of the revolutionary social development in Soviet Russia, the development of the youth movement and the construction of a new socialist education system. He focuses his attention on Lenin’s elaboration of a system of revolutionary education of the youth and on the formation of the basic principles of the relationship between school and the youth organization, on tracking the process of the development of the revolutionary movement of secondary school pupils in the pre-revolutionary and revolutionary periods, on moulding the Marxist political consciousness of school pupils, on the participation of the Leninist Komsomol in transforming the old bourgeois school into a new, socialist school and creating new bonds of their common activities, developing ideological and political, organizational and unifying, self-educational activities of the Komsomol school organizations, forming a Common political and pedagogical platform in co-operation with the teaching staff.
The author pays special attention to the attitude and activities of the controlling education authorities (People’s Commissariat for Schools and Adult Education) concerning the socialist youth organization and developing co-operation with the Leninist Komsomol leadership. The sources he proceeds from are the basic documents of the Communist Party, the youth organization, education authorities, V. I. Lenin’s theoretical works and revolutionary activities.
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