(CZ) Oborové didaktiky a jejich základní funkce
(EN) Subject Didactics and their Basic Functions
Autor / Author: Čapek, V., Pachmann, E.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
This study deals with the problems of educational and research activities in the area of subject didactics, proceeding, on the one hand from the borderline character of these scientific disciplines, on the other hand from the comprehensive area of researches into them - from the teaching cycle.
It determines the basic functions of subject didactics as subjects of study at higher education establishments (professionalizing function consisting of the application and integrating functions) and it goes on to determine the basic functions of subject didactics in the teaching cycle researches (the realization function consisting of the concrete-making, specifying and coordinating functions). Individual problems of the present state of instruction in subject didactics are explained in: a) the five-year study at teacher training colleges b) specializing and functional studies, c) graduate examinations.
Individual problems of the present state of researches into subject didactics are discussed in the following areas: a) basic and applied research, b) information, c) education and raising the qualification of specialists in subject didactics, d) institutionalization of the research work.
It is recommended that increased attention should be paid to solving the existing problems (even in the form of new normative data).
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