(CZ) Scholarizace a vývoj výchovy učňů k povolání
(EN) Scholarization and the development of occupational training of apprentices
Autor / Author: Černohorský, Z.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Scholarization of the training of future factory woricers and woricers in the services sector, its unification on the basis of ever-increasing demands of the social practice on the content of this training, originates in the capitalist mode of production. It is a complex, irregular and gradual process, which is characterized by the transition from the existing individual forms of training to collective forms. From the generalization of the elementary school attendance it goes on to the theoretical instruction in crafts and trades; instruction is then extended to some subjects of a vocational nature as well. But the future factory worker acquires most of the occupational knowhow within the framework of practical training, which continues to be individual.
After the liberation of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Army the social process of scholarization was fully adopted. In the framework of socialist revolution carried out under the leadership of the C ommunist Party of Czechoslovakia the education and training of future workers acquires a new class and democratic significance. The process of scholarization gradually deepens and aims at continually raising the level of apprentice schooling and pushing through its inclusion within the educational system. The hitherto relatively isolated components of the training (the theoretical general educational and vocational components, the practical component and the character-building component) are unified so as to form a complex as to content and organization. The unification is taking place by degrees and is pushed through by the im plem entation of the A pprentice Training Act of 1958. On its basic conditions have been created which have become the starting point for the developm ent of education for occupations today.
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