(CZ) Některé příčiny neúspěchu mládeže v povolání
(EN) Some Causes of Youth's Failures in Profession
Autor / Author: Langer, S., Novák, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In the years 1955— 1958 the authors paid attention to 249 young people (from it 46 girls) at the age of about 14—20 years who started a profession and. whose progress and conduct did not give a guarantee of a good assertion; and they paid attention to the young people who, irom various reasons, did not acquit themselves of their present profession. Somatic examination was suppleimented by a detailed psychological e xamination. Some young people preved not to be correctly classed according to their work and social respect, or they were designed for professions unfit them. The cause most of the lailures was a psychological one, though they were laid on somatic factors. Tha applicants for profession were not criticized only by a certificate and on the basis of a short interview in the committees of receipt. School reports are poor and not precise and it is not possible to use them for a conclusion on the working faculties. The youth that has been sent from working places (N = 67) was ascertained to have following basic causes of failures: Shortcoming of the development of intelectual abilities and deficiencies in conduct, not so much defects of nervous motoric system and neurosis. Only at a little rate there has been found physical diseases and defects. Very often there have been found com plicated conditions. The proof from a profession was not depending on a step of the development of intelectual abilities but also on other factors. Informations from the working places have then proved a high reliability of, psychological examination. The quoted facts prove a great importance of the cooperation of a youth physician and a psychologist.
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