(CZ) K některým otázkám celodenní péče
(EN) Some Questions of the Care Lasting the Whole Day
Autor / Author: Opata, R.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The historical development of the institutions securing the care lasting for the whole day begins in the Czeclioslovak Socialist Republik by establishing asyla for the youth of the legal age for attending school (in 1886) which were institutions of charity. After 1945, youth associations (a new title for the asyla since 1931) have been changed; instead of being the out-of-school institutions they become out-of-class institutions and the educational side is took first into consideration. As to the organization the development has been accomplished by the School Act from December, 15th, 1960 which embodies in law. the schools securing the care lasting for the whole day and states that school associations and School Clubs become an organic part of the basic nine-year school.
The perspectivy of further development of the institutions securing the care lasting for the whole day may be indicated only on the basis of a deep analysis of theoretical aspects (social-econom ical, philosophical, psychological, hygienic and pedagogical), which determine a position of competent institutions the Czechoslovak school system, and aim, tasks, contents and means of the educational and instructive work in the time after lessons.
It is not possible to determine the contents of this article in a voluntaristic way, only in dependence on narrowly comprehended interests of pupils or of the educator, but it is necessary to begin to work in a scientific way so that, in the time after lessons, the educational and instructive work became not potential but really an organic, systematic and planned component of the educational-instructive process. This aim can be reached by continual security of iom e preparations in the sphere of scientific researching work and praxis.
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