(CZ) Úlohy profesionálnej orientácie v našej škole
(EN) The Tasks of Vocational Guidance at our Schools
Autor / Author: Koščo, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The author defines the notion and the place of vocational guidance In the socialist society. He characterizes its individual components and concrete tasks: I. General vocational training (training for work and occupation in the pre-professional period ). II. Vocational information. III. Vocational consultation. IV. Vocational selection. In view of the position of the apprenticeship period in the system of socialist education, and also besause of psychological reasons, the author, contrary to the traditional conception, accounts for the necessity to include the phase of the so-called vocational adaptation in the framework of the tasks of vocational guidance.
In conclusion he deals with problems connected with the organization of vocational guidance: It is to be incorporated Into the system of school work, teachers-advlsers are to acquire special qualification in pedagogical psychology by a two-year postgraduate course at the Faculty of Philosophy. He mentions the function of District Vocational Guidance Centres and their to the Educational Advisory Board as well as to the School health Service.
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