(CZ) K problému poňatia a sústavy metód vyučovania
(EN) To the Problem of the Conception and System of Methods of Instruction
Autor / Author: Stračár, E.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
An epistemological starting point for an understanding of the substance and classification of methods of instruction is a principle of close connexion of school and life; from the methodological standpoint there is stressed an allround connexion of methods and other factors and phenomena of the teaching process. From this point of view, the main criterion of classification is supposed to be the type of knowledges of the source of knowledge and a degree of teacher’s and pupils’ activity during instruction, Three groups of basic methods of instruction may be determined on this basis: The verbal, intuitive and practical instruction. Further differentiation of basic methods instruction may be attained in accordance with logical ways when pupils acquire knowledges, with technical means used during instruction and then in accordance with the function of individual parts of the teaching process. In this way we have got a manifold variability of basic methods of instruction which makes a supposition ol doing away with the present monotypes and stereotypes of practical teaching methods.
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