(CZ) Nové pojetí obsahu a metod přírodovědného vyučování na základní devítileté škole
(EN) The Conception of the Content an the Methods of Work in Science Subject according to the New Curriculum for the Basic Nine-Year School
Autor / Author: Vodička, A.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The new curriculum for natural history, physics and chemistry for the Basic Nine-Year School handles the science branch of the basic general and polytechnical education in accordanpe with the principles of the school reform laid down in April, 1^59, by the resolution of the Céntral Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia on „the Close Link-up of School with Real Life and Further Development of Education in Czechoslovakia.“
The curriculum-makers have made use of all the good experiences from the teaching of these subjects gathered in recent years by research at the Eleven-Year Schools and experimental Twelve-Year Schools, but they have handled in a new way the selection, organization and conception of the basic subject-matter especially with regard tp the principle of linking up school with life, i. e. with contemporary, and if possible, also with prospective requirements of society as regards the preparation of the youth for work in the production and for further education. They have stressed the educational values of individual subjects, their contribution to the formation of a scientific world outlook, to the acquisition of basic polytechnical knowledge and skills, and the demand for education to form an integreted whole. At the same time they have complied with the requirement for the subject-matter to be in keeping with present state of science and to be understandable to the pupils so that its substance can be consciously mastered by the pupils during the lessons. The curriculum calls for deepening and extending the use of laboratory methods in teaching, for the use of modern visual aids, especially film, slides, models, apparatuses, experiences from excursions, workshop practice and voluntary work for public welfare.* The basic relations between subjects are solved on principle in such a way that,different subjects, especially those closely related to each other, do not ov'ërlap but, if possible, follow up each other logically and supplement each other. The syllabus of each of the science subjects handles all the aims and tasks mentioned here in its own specific manner, and defines the role to be played in its implementation in practice by the teacher and by the pupiPs work with the textbook or auxiliary literature (e. g. tables, atlases). It encourages the development of hobby activities of the pupils either in optional laboratory and workshop practice or in hobby groups.
The article further deals with the questions of principle regarding the content and methods of individual science subjects, textbooks and methodical literature for teachers.
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