(CZ) K pojmosloví problému kázně
(EN) On the Terminology of the Concept of Disciplin
Autor / Author: Cipro, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The author proceeds from the definitions and characteristics of the term »discipline« given by various educationalists, starting with Comenius. He goes on to characterize the term »discipline« in general, and the difference between discipline and morality.
Socialist discipline is in harmony with the progressive elements of social morale, which are a reflection of the new economic conditions. But rules, however detailed, cannot embrace all the wealth o f moral relations among people. Therefore the realm of discipline is narrower than that of morality. The discipline of the old society (its official m orality) was often in contradiction with the actual behaviour of people, because its norms were not always determined in such a way as to be in keeping with the interests of the m ajority of population. In our society this contradiction is being eliminated. But a certain difference between moral relations and the norms of discipline remains: moral relations, in their natural concreteness have a far greater .variety o f forms and are constantly liable to imperceptible changes, whereas the rules o f discipline are lagging behind because o f their schematism and relative stability. But if they reflect progressive elements of moral relations, they help, by their retrospective influence on the life o f society, to accelerate its moral advancement.
In the light o f the foregoing deliberation the aouthor considers it illogical to regard discipline as a mere component part o f morality besides such categories as e. g. socialist patriotism, conscious approach to work, collectivity, etc. He regards the differentiation in meaning between the two terms (»discipline« and »morality «) as a remnant of the old Herbartian differentiation between »Regierung« and »Zucht«. A static differentiation of these two notions suited the needs of the society which had two methods of educating children: a more expensive and gentle one for the children of the privileged classes, a cheaper and harder one for the other children. From the viewpoint o f the aims of socialist education the differentiation between the terms »R egieru ng« (discipline) and »Z u ch t« (moral education) appears as a futile and harmful residue o f the past. In our term inology the word »discipline« has acquired quite another meaning than it had in Herbartian pedagogics. We speak of a conscious discipline, which in its ideal meaning is essentially a manifestation of all the positive moral traits o f man, and not only one of .many other moral attributes. In conclusion, the author still mentions the differentiation between the notions of »discipline« and »being disciplined«.
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