(CZ) Zásada názornosti při vyučování jazyku mateřskému
(EN) Zásada názornosti při vyučování jazyku mateřskému
Autor / Author: Janáček, G.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Intuitive methods used in the mother tongue course are somewhat different from those used e. g. in the sciences, because the word and the sentence are considerably abstract notions. The word has its sound, meaning, emotional colouring, and graphic image, plus the movements of certain muscles when writing. Each of these component parts has its own kind and degree of intuitiveness. Didactics must take it into account and make full use of it.
The sound and the graphic image of the word involve intuitiveness based on the perceptions of senses. It is the duty of the school to provide the best possible acoustical and optical intuitive devices. The sound and the graphic image of the word, however, are always connected with its meaning, and this is where a considerable degree of abstraction comes in. But words are not isolated in one’s consciousness; they form a system of word-roots, prefixes and suffixes, and in a sentence they form a system of inflected forms with the same or similar inflexions. There is intuitiveness in this system, it is a kind of intuitiveness inherent in the language itself. So far we have not enough diagrams and other intuitive devices to illustrate, organize and present this language system to the pupils. And yet, this is one of the ways to achieve better results in mother tongue courses. As far as writing motions are concerned, basic research has not been carried out at all yet, and by doing so, professional psychologists could do a great deal to help the didactics of languages.
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