(CZ) Postavení dělníků s vyšším vzděláním ve výrobním procesu
(EN) The Position of the Workers Possessing Higher Education in the Process of Production
Autor / Author: Fiala, V., Herman, K.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Characteristic features of the beginning scientific-technical revolution are gradually passing changes in the professional and qualificational structure of the workers; these changes demand intensified exigencies of general and technical education of the workers. The authors deal with the problematics of the qualification and employment of the workers who possess a higher than only a basic education in the establishment Škoda-Plzeň which is the greatest engineering establishment in the CSSR. From the achieved analysis it follows that the workers with a higher than a basic education may be classified into three groups: 1. The graduates who entered the establishment immediately after having completed their studies. These workers are usually not prepared for qualified professions of workers and are motivated for the work in the preproductive sector. 2. The workers who have completed secondary education in an extraordinary form of study during employment. They usually are prepared for an operation in exacting workers’ professions. 3. The workers who do not combine their education with the process of production and in production they work under the consequence of various social influence or personal intentions. The authors have come to the conclusion that intensified exigencies of general and technical education for certain professions of workers, besides a preparation within the education in the establishment, would ask for a change in the aim, content and structure of the study in secondary technical and comprehensive schools.
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