(CZ) K problematice mentálního času jako objektivního vnitřního času lidských bytostí
(EN) The Problem of Mental Time as the Objective Internal Time of Human Beings
Autor / Author: Kahuda, F.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
On the basis of the philosophical ideas of dialectical materialism the author points out the difference there is between the movements within material structures formed by living organisms and the movements observed physically in inorganic nature. For material movements going on within human mental structures he defines mental time MT by the equation: MT = const(PT/B) where PT is the measured physical time, B is the potential (psychic) energy B = Ep, expended by the nervous system to fulfil a given task, “const” is the constant of the measuring instrument used. The author goes on to introduce fundamentally and indirectly measurable units of basic psychic categories and then quotes a scientific piece of information about the consequence of the theory of the mental time of man being the fact that within complex mental structures of living human organisms the 9peed u m t of mental material movements can acquire any value u m t = c, that is to say even higher values than the speed c of light in a vacuum.
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