(CZ) Příspěvek k vyučování cizím jazykům
(EN) "A Contribution tо Foreign Language Teaching "
Autor / Author: Choděra, R.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The paper deals with a metascientific view of the problem of foreign language teaching through the media of the natural language. It belongs to the sphere of logic, methodology and philosophy of science. The approach in investigating the methodology of foreign language teaching which the author considers fruitful is the approach from the viewpoint of being and having, modified by time. The methodology of foreign language teaching is a scientific discipline which investigates the finalistic relationships in foreign language teaching (and self-teaching), on the basis of which it formulates the respective norms. Such methodology is to be understood »in the narrower sense«. Together with metascience there arises the foreign language methodology »in the broader sense«. The author regards it as fruitful to divide methodology) into special and general on the one hand, and into synchronic and diachronic on the other. The research equipment of a foreign language methodologist (if we omit metascience) consists in such theoretical processes (inference, decision-making) that transform the propositions of border sciences into statements about finalistic relationships and into the norms of the teaching.
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