(CZ) Pedagogický experiment
(EN) Educational Experiment
Autor / Author: Lukš, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
This educational experiment is noteworthy for the fact that in quite ordinary school conditions a general system of communist education of youth in schools is being implemented, while the practical results are analysed by a research centre, The Vocational School Research Institute, which is also called educational laboratory. Both facilities work under one management. The empirical methods of educational research are thus directly placed at the service of communist education of youth in schools, whereby one of the important principles of the close link of educational science and educational practice is being implemented. The above mentioned school is applying all the most significant elements of A. S. Makarenko’s educational system. Special attention is paid to the application of the self-administration principle in the education of pupils to awake their feeling of responsibility towards the society. A constantly greater number of pupils is taking an active part in the application of socialist relations between pupil and teacher. The research of the educational laboratory bears in mind the versatility and dynamics of the educational phenomena and situations by using a complex interbranch and longuitudinal research method. The laboratory has a team of methodologists from various branches—sociology, socio-psychology, psychology, biosomatic unification of the work of educationalist research workers. The educational laboratory is a significant research centre and the first methodological institute of educational science directly in school practice. The article gives a survey of the most important results of all previous research as well as an outline of findings from current school practice and research in the management of the educational system.
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