(CZ) K problematice programu výchovné práce na základní škole
(EN) The Programme of Moral Education at the Elementary School and the Problems Involved
Autor / Author: Effenbergerová, A. M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In drafting the programme for moral education (i. e. moral and ideological training, personality training, training in good qualities, etc.) at the Elementary School we proceeded from materials of the 14th Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in July, 1973, devoted to educational problems; another starting point was the analysis of former programmes of moral education in our country and available programmes of moral education from other Socialist countries, especially from the U. S. S. R. and the G. D. R. In addition, we studied a number of publications, ours as well as foreign ones, dealing with theoretical and methodological problems of the education system. On the basis of these materials fundamental theoretical starting points were formulated for drafting a new programme for moral education. They are the following:
1. the basic components of Communist education are intellectual education and moral education, which are mutually conditioned and inter-linked;
2. educational qualities of the individual arise in the process of activities, at school, at work, in teamwork;
3. the system of moral and intellectual education at school in a Socialist society is to be understood as the unity of classroom instruction, out-of-school educational activities and socially useful work;
4. classroom instruction lays primary stress on intellectual education, which is, of course, always linked with moral education, while in out-of-school educational activities primary stress is laid on moral education, which, however, is based on, and supported by intellectual education;
5. moral education is a specific long-term process, which cannot be broken up into short stages and whose results are difficult to ascertain and assess, because their manifestations rarely take an outward form. These starting points have also determined the structure of the draft programme for moral education, which in its introductory section deals with the basic principles of Communist education of the Elementary School pupil; it further deals with the aims and content of education from the viewpoint of its components, a comprehensive conception of the educational process and the role played by the pedagogical worker in this process. The focal point of the programme is formed by a system of moral education of pupils in the 1st and the 4th year, and a system of moral education of pupils of the 2nd grade of the Elementary School. The structure is the same in both of them: characterization of the pupil in the given period, the aims of moral education, the morally educational aspect of classroom instruction, life of the class as a team, hobby activities, generally v useful work, the sphere of out-of-school education. The other chapters deal with the specific features of moral education in the Young Pioneers’ Organization of the Socialist Union of Youth, and with the co-operation of the school, family, sponsor factories, public social organizations and institutions in the field of moral education. The concluding chapter is devoted to the system of management of the educational process. The draft programme for moral education is being verified at some selected schools, and its final version will be drawn up on the basis of comments and suggestions from pedagogical workers.
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