(CZ) Modernizace vyučovacího procesu na ekonomických fakultách pomocí aktivních didaktických metod
(EN) Modernization of the Teaching Process at the Faculties of Economics by Means of Active Didactic Methods
Autor / Author: Borák, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
Each scientific discipline, each school subject requires a certain combination of various didactic methods which proves to be the most efficient from the educational point of view. In the education and training of economists the point is not only to make the students acquire encyclopaedic and specialist knowledge, but also to make them acquire the ways of creative and active thought in the conditions of individual work and team work. Present-day modernization of the teaching process at the faculties of economics therefore concentrates not only on introducing audio-visual aids and programmed instruction, but also on the application of the so-called active didactic methods, which are based on the actual knowledge and experience of the students and the participants in refresher courses, and which make them as active as possible. When active methods are used, a problem, a case, a situation is presented to the students, and their task is to get acquainted with it, to analyse it, to seek for various solutions of it, to make decisions, to act, to evaluate the processes used and the conclusions made, etc. Active didactic methods are divided into four groups: discussion methods, case studies, role playing and management games. Active didactic methods and their application in instruction enable the students to acquire such knowledge, skills and combinations thereof as no other didactic method could ensure. In this sense active didactic methods mean a new quality and a real revolution in the teaching process.
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