(CZ) Príspevok k problému koncepcie, obsahu a štruktúry metodiky učebných predmetov
(EN) A Contribution to the Problem of Conception, Subject-Matter and Pattern of Special Didactic
Autor / Author: Stračár, E.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The requirement of an effective management of the teaching process gives rise to new problems also in the field of the technique of teaching various subjects. First of all there appears to be the need to get over some obsolete and simplifying methods of approach that have been practised so far. Instead of narrowly specialised teachers' guides designs for the teaching practice there comes to the fore an analysis of multilateral relationships between the objective and subjective factors controlling the teaching process. With the decisive mission of the content of instruction the determining relationships appear to be: subject-matter and teacher, subject-matter and pupil, teacher and pupil. Therefore a detailed analysis of the subject-matter from the point of view of its educational, didactic, gnoseological, logical and psychological determination for the first time will take up a significant place in teachers guide-books. It will also be possible to base the teaching technique on the contribution of the theory of information and cybernetics, because a scientific management of the teaching process will call for precise and detailed shaping of this process. The application of these aspects in the conception, content and pattern of the technique of teaching of various subjects may be realised only on the basis of a systematic research designed to verify the patterns of the best possible management of the teaching process under the actual conditions of educational practice.
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