Hana Voňková


Hana VoňkováHana Vonkova (Ph.D. in Education, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), 2008; and Ph.D. in Econometrics, Tilburg University (Netherlands), 2011) is a researcher at the Faculty of Education (Institute of Research and Development of Education and Department of Education) and at the First Faculty of Medicine (Department of Addictology) of the Charles University in Prague. She is also a fellow researcher at the Center for Economic and Social Research of the University of Southern California (USA).

Dr. Vonkova’s research interests focus on the quantitative methodology and applied statistics in the areas of education and health. She has published papers on testing the assumptions and the specification of parametric models using anchoring vignettes, on the effectiveness of school-based preventive interventions targeting at drug use among children, on the impact of Bologna Process policies on the quality of teacher training at universities, and on the measurement of subjective well-being.

Her current research focuses on using anchoring vignettes method to increase the validity of surveys that use students’ assessments of teacher quality, school discipline, their ICT skills and their English language knowledge. In addition, she is researching possibilities and limits of universal prevention interventions at schools.

She teaches methodology of educational research, development and use of achievement tests, logic for students of social sciences, general education and didactics and topics related to writing academic theses.


  • 2012
    RNDr. in Mathematics (a post-graduate degree based on an exam and a thesis) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
    thesis: Educometry – Item response theory
  • 2007 – 2011
    Ph.D. in Econometrics at the Econometric Department, Tilburg University, Netherlands
    thesis: The use of subjective survey data: anchoring vignettes and stated preference methods
  • 2004 – 2008
    Ph.D. in Educational Science (main focus: applied statistics and methodology in education) at the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
    thesis: Influence of selected factors on students€ mathematical abilities in Central European countries
  • 2006
    PhDr. in Educational Science at the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
    thesis: Factors that influence mathematics literacy in the Czech Republic: a secondary analysis of PISA 2003
  • 1999-2005
    Master’s degree in educational science and teaching mathematics at the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
    thesis: Textbook “Basics of descriptive statistics for educational science students”
  • 1998-2003
    Master’s degree in mathematics / mathematical statistics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague
    thesis: Educometry – Item response theory





  1. Miovský, M., Voňková, H., Gabrhelík, R., Štastná, L. Universality Properties of School-Based Preventive Intervention Targeted at Cannabis Use. Prevention Science, 2015, Vol. 16, Nr. 2, pp. 189-199, DOI: 10.1007/s11121-013-0453-z. download
  2. Kapteyn, A., Lee, J., Tassot, C., Vonkova, H., Zamarro, G. Dimensions of Subjective Well-being. Social Indicators Research. 2014, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1007/s11205-014-0753-0.
  3. Voňková, H., Van Soest, A. How Sensitive Are Retirement Decisions to Financial Incentives: A Stated Preference Analysis. Journal of Applied Econometrics., 2014, Vol. 29, Issue 2, p. 246-264. download
  4. Van Soest, A., Voňková, H. Testing the Specification of Parametric Models Using Anchoring Vignettes. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A. 2014, Vol. 177, Issue 1, p. 115-133. download
  5. Bendl, S., Voňková, H., Zvírotský, M. The Bologna process and teacher training in the Czech Republic: Opinions of academic staff and students about the two-cycle system implementation at the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Prague. The New Educational Review. 2013, Vol. 32, p. 301-312. download
  6. Voňková, H., Hullegie, P. Is the Anchoring Vignette Method Sensitive to the Domain and Choice of the Vignette? Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A. 2011, 174, Part 3, p. 597-620. download

Working papers

  1. Vonkova, H., Hrabak, J. The (in)comparability of ICT knowledge and skill self-assessments among upper secondary school students: the use of the anchoring vignette method.
  2. Vonkova, H., Zamarro, G., DeBerg, V. International comparisons of student perceptions on teacher’s classroom management: improving comparability with the anchoring vignettes method.
  3. Kapteyn, A., Smith, J. P., Van Soest, A., Voňková, H. Anchoring vignettes and response consistency. 2011. RAND working paper WR-840. download
  4. Miovský, M., Voňková, H., Gabrehlík, R., Čablová, L. Cannabis Use in Different Risk Groups of Czech Adolescents: Possibilities and Limits of Universal Prevention Interveniton.
  5. Voňková, H., Bendl, S., Papajoanu, O. How students report cheating: self-assessment and anchoring vignettes


Papers in local journals (Central Europe)

  1. Bendl, S., Voňková, H., Zvírotský, M. Impact of the Bologna process two-cycle implementation on teacher education in the Czech Republic. Pedagogická orientace.2013, volume 23, nr. 6, pages 767-785. download
  2. Voňková, H. Subjektivní hodnocení problémů s pohybem: Užití parametrického modelu metody ukotvujících vinět (English: Subjective assessment of movement problems: Using parametric model of anchoring vignettes). Orbis Scholae. 2013, volume 7, nr. 1, pages 49-66. download
  3. Lávičková, J., Gabrhelík, R., Voňková, H. Kombinace opiodních analgetik na lékařský předpis s alkoholem nebo jinou návykovou látkou (English: Combining prescribed opioid analgetics with alcohol or other addictive drugs). Adiktologie. 2012, volume 12, nr. 2.
  4. Voňková, H. Metoda ukotvujících vinět a možnosti využití v pedagogice (English: The anchoring vignettes method and its perspectives in educational science). Orbis Scholae. 2012, volume 6, nr. 1, pages 27-40. download
  5. Bendl, S., Voňková, H. Vztah mezi (ne)manipulativním a viktimizačním jednáním učitele a jeho vybranými charakteristikami (English: The relation of (non-)manipulative and victimizing teacher behavior with her selected characteristics). Pedagogika.sk. 2010, volume 1, nr. 4. download
  6. Bendl, S., Voňková, H. Využití pojmových map ve výuce pedagogiky (English: Using mind maps in teaching educational science). Pedagogická orientace. 2010, volume 20, nr. 1, pages 16-38. download
  7. Bendl, S., Voňková, H. Teachers’ opinions on manipulation of children in relationship adults – children. Studia Edukacyjne. 2010, nr. 12., pages 113-130.


  1. Bendl, S., Voňková, H., Zvírotský, M. Boloňský proces a jeho dopady na strukturovaná studia učitelství (English: Bologna process and its impact on two-cycle teacher training). Praha: Nakladatelství UK PedF, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7290-703-8.

Chapters in books

  1. Voňková, H. Vzdělávání učitelů v Nizozemsku se zaměřením na realizaci pedagogické praxe (English: Teacher training in the Netherlands with focus on teaching practice). In Bendl, S. a kol. Klinická škola: místo pro výzkum a praktickou přípravu budoucích učitelů (English: Clinical school: pace for research and practical teacher training). Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta, 2011.
  2. Bendl, S., Voňková, H. Działanie manipulacyjne nauczyciela a jego cechy osobiste. Analiza empiryczna. In Wróbel, A. Nauczyciel w krajach postsocjalistycznych jako sprawca i ofiara manipulacji. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2010, s. 141-170.



The list of publication and more detailed CV is available at the following website: www.vonkova.com.