May 202024

From May 1-8, 2024, members of our Institute, who focus on shadow education research, met with their colleagues from the Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary.

The team led by Professor János Győri focuses their research within the research group Relation between Shadow and Public Education mainly on shadow education in Hungary and China.

During the exchange visit, we shared information about the forms and specific features of shadow education in our countries and the methodological challenges we encounter in our research. Doctoral students had the opportunity to present their research proposals and receive valuable feedback from international colleagues. The visit was an excellent opportunity to establish closer relationships with researchers in our region and to initiate closer cooperation on research projects and joint outputs, not only within the Visegrad Group.

Members of the Hungarian and Czech shadow education research groups
Members of the Hungarian and Czech shadow education research groups
Oct 212023

Lecturer: dr. Vít Šťastný
Winter semester 2023/2024

Mondays at Prague 1, Myslíkova 7, 2nd floor (M209).
19 February 2024: 1pm – 5pm (CET)
4 March 2024: 1pm – 5pm
18 March 2024: 1pm – 5pm
8 April 2024: 1pm – 5pm
29 April 2024: 1pm – 5pm presentation of seminar thesis

Participants will submit their application for the course via following link ( 30 January 2024.

Sep 012022

The Czech Educational Research Association awarded the prize for an important research-oriented publication in the category Peer-reviewed article published in a foreign periodical to the employees of our institute Vít Šťastný, Martin Chvál and Eliška Walterová for the study An ordinary moonlighting activity? Determinants of the provision of private tutoring by Czech schoolteachers published in the International Journal of Educational Development.
