Mar 152025

Dear academic community and public,

on March 31st at our IRDE, we are going to host Prof. Miri Yemini from Israel, who is a holder of an ERC Consolidator Grant, a highly prestigious funding award. Her research project, STUDACT, is well summarized in this short video:

What makes her research particularly interesting is that it is a comparative study based primarily on qualitative data and theoretical frameworks. She will give a lecture at the faculty on Monday, March 31st, from 2.45 pm to 4.15 pm in the room M006 (Charles University, Faculty of Education, Myslíkova 7, Prague 1).

Please make a reservation through a link:

Event start31 March 2025 at 14:45
Event end31 March 2025 at 16:15
Type of eventLecture
OrganiserÚVRV, Faculty of Education, Charles university
Organiser’s contact
Venueroom M006, Myslíkova 7, Prague 1
Target groupAcademic community and public
Admission feefree
Disabled accessyes

Youth, Migration, and Activism: Understanding Youth Citizenship Vocabularies

Miri Yemini

Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Haifa, 3200003, Israel

Abstract: Migration profoundly shapes the lives of young people and is a polarising and contentious topic in contemporary public discourse. In this seminar I show how Generation Z young people in six countries understand both migration and activist efforts related to migration issues. Employing Thorson’s (2012) concept of ‘citizenship vocabularies,’ I document and analyse young people’s perceptions of activism in relation to migration, as well as the resources, narratives, and frameworks they use to make sense of migration, citizenship, and civic life, to contribute to debates around youth activism, citizenship education, and migration. The study adds depth to our understanding of the development of a disposition towards activism within young people, and how the current generation of youth engage with polarising social issues.

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

Best regards,

David Greger

IRDE director

Feb 172025

Dear students and colleagues,

this year the course Seminar in Psychometrics is again open, for a tentative schedule, see

The seminar will be held on Mondays at 4 pm in Room 318 at the Institute of Computer Science (Pod Vodárenskou věží 2) with the possibility to join via Zoom. The first meeting will take place on February 24.

The seminar features contemporary topics in psychometrics and statistical methods used to analyze educational and psychological tests. Czech and international guests are invited.

If you are interested in signing up for the seminar, you may do so in SIS. If you have any questions or if you are interested in e-mail updates on invited talks, please e-mail me.

Please forward this e-mail to students who might be interested in the seminar.

Kind regards
Patrícia Martinková

Nov 242024

New book The expansion and diversity of shadow education: Global perspectives, local contexts by our researcher Vít Šťastný has been published.

The book provides a comprehensive analysis of how shadow education has evolved across different world regions, influenced by varying cultural, economic, and policy contexts.

 You can download full text of this book via the link