(CZ) Proměny role učitele, efektivity, prestiže a odměňování jeho práce ve světových trendech
(EN) Transformations of the teachers’roles, their effectivity, prestige and the reward for their work in the world’s trends
Autor / Author: Mukařovská, H.
Klíčová slova / Key words: Demokratizace výchovně vzdělávací práce, efektivita, kvalita výchovně vzdělávací práce, role učitele jako posuzovatele, jako facilitátora rozvoje osobnosti žáka, cíle kurikula.
Překážky efektivity výchovně vzdělávací práce v etapě našeho totalitního režimu; Preference posuzovatelské role učitele vůči žákům. Současné světové trendy role učitele jako facilitátora rozvoje osobnosti každého žáka. Jasné cíle spolupráce učitelů při individualizaci rozvoje Osobnosti žáka — předpoklad efektivity práce školy a zvyšování společenské prestiže učitelského Povolání.
In the first part of her contribution the author recapitulates the doubtful searching after the educational work effectivity in the period from the fiftees up to the ninetees in our country. The teacher’s role was above all that of an evaluator of his learners’performances, that of a manipulator of their communist consciousness. The more carefully he or she sticked to the officiel demands concerning the increasing of his or her work effectivity, the more he or sho damaged the pupils.* In the other part of her article the author characterises the world’s trends in efforts to acquire a high degree of the educational work quality and effectivity which at the time present leads into a broad stream of democratization. This time the question is by far not that of a traditional democratization of the access to education but the real question is how to democratize the course of the education itself — as such. The teacher acquires the role of a facilitator who makes the complex process of developing the learners’personality easier for them. He interchanges the manipulative attitude for the partner’s one, co-operating with the rest of the staff members, the parents and other institutions at the same time. This co-operation is enabled by a clear formulation of the key-goals in the curriculum. The key-stadiums for the learners’performances are designated within the space of time of several years. There is room for exploiting most different methods of helping the pupils so that all learners are able to reach the key-demands by their own tempo, though on different levels.
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