(CZ) Zjišťovaní parametru kvality výuky fyziky
(EN) Identifying the Parameters of the Quality of Physics Teaching
Autor / Author: Žák, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words: kvalita výuky fyziky, pedagogická evaluace, parametry kvalitní výuky fyziky
Tento text mapuje procesy a výsledky zjišťování a posuzování parametrů kvality výuky fyziky na gymnáziu. Jsou zde uvedeny výstupy z expertního šetření, při kterém byly zjišťovány parametry kvality výuky fyziky, a dále popsána tvorba pozorovací a posuzovací techniky hodin fyziky. V dalším je přiblížena realizace výzkumu vyučovacích hodin deseti učitelů fyziky na sedmi gymnáziích; diskutována je také validita a reliabilita. Pozornost je dále věnována nejen výsledkům výzkumu, ale také možnostem a omezením vyvinuté techniky.
This paper maps the development of a technique for the observation and assess-ment of quality in physics teaching and its examination in practice.
Teaching quality is generally a complicated phenomenon, which can be approached in various ways. In our research we focused on the teaching of physics at grammar school level and more concretely on its procedural aspect. The production aspect was not the object of our interest.
The paper contains the findings of a survey of specialists which took the form of structured discussions and questionnaires. The specialists were asked for their opin-ions on the quality of physics teaching. The specialists concerned were from the fields of pedagogy, general didactics, didactics of physics and physics.
The research methods selected for the investigation of the quality of physics teach-ing at grammar school were observation of lessons and assessment by means of scales. On the basis of the investigation involving structured discussions with experts and questionnaires we then chose 26 parameters to assess quality of physics teaching in terms of observation and scales.
Evaluation of the observation method in practice took place from September to June of the school year 2004/05. The project was carried out by five trained researchers - observers and evaluators rolledd into one. Observation took place at 7 Prague grammar schools during lessons of physics given by 10 teachers. The number of observed lessons amounted to 7 to 8 lessons per teacher and the overall number of observed lessons amounted to 75 lessons.
The paper contains a discussion of the reliability and validity of the research, the results of the research and comparison of the quality of tuition of the teachers involved..
The method of observation and assessment of the quality of physics teaching thus created has potential practical use as a tool for the needs of pedagogic evaluation of physics teaching (both external and internal), a guide for teachers sitting in on classes during student teaching practice (future teachers), and a basis for concrete lines of improvement in teacher training and didactic material for teacher training in physics.
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