(CZ) Umění ve škole: jenom“ hra, nebo téma pro reflexi?
(EN) Arts in school: „merely a came or an issue for reflection?
Autor / Author: Slavík, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words: hra, uměni, edukace, habitus, reflexe, metakognice
Článek přistupuje к uměni jako к jedné z „velkých her“ v duchu sociologické teorie jednáni P. Bourdieu. S oporou o Bourdieovu analýzu návyku pro hru (habitus) terna tizuje a rozebírá problém, zda uměni j e pro školu pouze hrou ke zvládnuti, nebo také předmětem к reflexi. Poukazuje na současné metakognitivni trendy ve výchově uměním, které směřuji к tomu, aby uměni ve škole bylo prostředkem jednak к sebepoznáváni žáků, jednak к hlubšímu poznáváni podstatných stránek uměni jako specifické kulturní hry, která se významně podílí na vývoji lidské civilizace.
The article treats art as one of the “big games” in accordance with the sociological theory of action of P. Bourdieu. The term “game” creates a framework for a mutual comparison of various areas on the basis of their analogical link to the common sector of games within human culture. From this perspective, the existence of particular areas of human activities in school - in the form of courses and subjects - is an expression of the extent to which every particular,,big game“ saw its rise in society as to acquire a general legal qualification for social self-reproduction by means of systematic academic education. The typical role of the school towards those games that were already allowed to enter the process o f education is to teach the basic rules of the game to pupils and to attract their interest for it, ie. to work out the game’s habitus. At the same time, this means to manage and overcome culturally and socially unbearable differences between actors/players with different competencies. This “scientific and motivating” conception o f education often results in the loss of the opportunity to place the game itself, or its position amongst other games, as an object of reflection; engagement in a game often causes people‘s failure to recognize certain important aspects o f the game itself and o f its sociocultural context. The question arises whether the school should turn this fact into a theme and make the game itself an object o f educational reflection. The present didactic trend in education by means of arts responds positively to the given question making use of conceptions which are founded on the perspectives of educational constructivism and focus on the development o f the so-called higher-order thinking. Reflection in artistic educational subjects orientates on making arts in school a means to pupils’ self-knowledge, and to a more profound acquaintance with substancial aspects o f arts as a specific cultural game which holds an important part in the development of human civilization. The fact, that the reflective approach supports the legitimity of artistic disciplines in school education is not negligible.
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