(CZ) Slovensko na mapách detí: detská naivná kartografia
(EN) Slovakia on maps drawn by children. children's naïve cartography
Autor / Author: Pupala, B., Mašková, M.
Klíčová slova / Key words: porozumenie mape, detská kartografia, naivná mapa Slovenska, symbolizácia
Prostredníctvom kvalitatívnej analýzy detských máp sa text pokúša načrtnúť niektoré aspekty porozumenia mape a detskej kartografie. Poukazuje sa na komponenciálnu a holistickú dimenziu chápania mapy. Osobitná pozornosť je venovaná symbolizácii v kartografických postupoch deti.
Since maps are considerably complicated graphic space representation, map comprehension deals with several cognitive factors. Although children cannot be expected to possess objective map understanding, they have some ways of map perception and interpretation. The analysis of „children’s cartography“ as it was demonstrated in children’s drawings of Slovakia shows some aspects of the process of children’s map conceptualization and the development of their understanding geographical spacc. The special focus of the article is on ways of symbolic representation used by children in their maps. The article also contributes to the discussions of geographical contents of science and social science curriculum.
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