(CZ) Inovační trendy a impulsy v didaktice cizích jazyků
(EN) Innovation trends and impulses in the Foreign languages didactics
Autor / Author: Choděra, R.
Klíčová slova / Key words: didaktika cizích jazyků, meta-didaktika cizích jazyků, aktivizující metody výuky cizích jazyků, efektivnost
V metodologicky pojatém článku jsou specifikovány možnosti vzniku nové disciplíny v rámci didaktiky cizích jazyku — meta-didaktiky cizích jazyků. Objekty této disciplíny nejsou ontické, nýbrž sémantické. Uvádí se příklad zásad a metod didaktiky cizích jazyků. V článku je dále zkoumána otázka vědní klasifikace a vztahu didaktiky cizích jazyků k jiným vědám. Mimo tradiční bázové vědy — obecnou didaktiku, lingvistiku a psychologii je uváděna i ekonomika vzdělání, zejména pak z hlediska kategorie efektivnosti.
The following innovations are characteristic for the contemporary foreign languages didactics: the expansion of sugestopedic approaches, the intemsifying of personality factors in acquiring a foreign language, the origin of new models of the learning- teaching a foreign language, such as The Silent Way and others, the extending of the imitation modeling, the reinforcing of the problems teaching and creativity elements, the expanding of the group forms work, of achievements and items of knowledge of the didactical technology. Those innovation stimulations led the author to the project of the so called activation methods of the foreign languages teaching.
The author expresses his opinion that the time has come to constitute a new discipline — the meta-didactics of the foreign languages. He understands it as the selfgetting- to know of the forcing languages didactics itself. The meta-didactics of foreign languages is a compound of the foreign languages didactics in a broader sense, it is the theory of that didactics in a narrower sense, the principle of the language consciousness specifics is characcrized here, further on linguistics, psychology and the general didactics as the supporting sciences of the foreign languages of the foreign languages. A non- traditional intepretation of the effectivity category is presented, in which, according to the author, the entire problems of the foreign language didactics in their totality are being projected. In the conclusion of the essay the aplication of the deontic logics on the sciences of the type of the education as such is mentioned.
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