(CZ) K vývoji vysokoškolského vzdělání učitelů v Československu
(EN) On university education of the teachers' development in Czechoslovakia
Autor / Author: Vorlíček, Ch.
Klíčová slova / Key words: etapy vývoje učitelského vzdělání, koncepce učitelského vzdělání, dualismus učitelského vzdělání, pluralismus učitelského vzdělání
Příspěvek analyzuje koncepce realizovaných a navrhovaných změn učitelského vzdělání v Československu po roce 1945. Naznačuje možnosti řešení aktuálních problémů, zejména dualismu učitelského vzdělání, v podmínkách samosprávy vysokých škol.
In the years 1945 and 1946 the university education for teachers was legalized and pedagogical faculties were established. A teachers' education dualism originated; secondary school teachers have been, with the exception of the years 1953-1959, educated at traditional university faculties, the first and second grades teachers, with the exception of the years 1953-1964, at pedagogical faculties. Though teachers' education is not their major task, traditional university faculties endeavour to keep heir exclusive position in the preparation of secondary, especielly grammar school teachers. In certain developmental etaps they tried to assume also the preparation of the first and second grades basic school teachers and limit thus the activities of pedagogical faculties.
In the year 1946 pedagogical faculties were establish as fully equal to the university faculties. The following reforms made their functioning narrower. Since the 60s trends for increasing the significance of pedagogical faculties have been appearing. Their tasks were made broader by involving secondary teachers' education as well, due to the reform from the year 1976.
In a democratic society, after the year 1989, the organization of the teachers' education is not centred any more as it used to be in former periods. The self-government of university level school could elaborate conditions for the overcoming the hitherto dualism and for the rise of a pluralist system of the teachers' education whose equal elements should be all faculties preparing teachers.
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