(CZ) Prostředky optimalizace výchovně vzdělávacího procesu na gymnáziu
(EN) Means of optimalization of the educational process at the grammar school
Autor / Author: Valenta, V.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In a follow-up to his previous essay published in the magazine „The Pedagogics“, nr. 4.1987 the author solves the problems of the optimalization of the educational process at the grammar school. Those means are seen above all in the application of a differenciated concept of the teaching, in the realization of a gradual change in the character of the cooperation teacher-Iearner, in the change of the study load and the chanelling of the learning activities of the students in their home preparation.
The differentiated teaching which varies according to the forms of the grammar school from the first form to the last one, oproceeds from a constant diagnosis of actual learning possibilities of the learners, carried out by the teachers, and from comprehending the learners’ collective as a dynamically developing system with growing presumptions of development. A fluent increasing of the demands concerning educational goals as well as the learners, advance in the content of teaching-learning items, methods and forms of the educational interaction are emphasized here. The author illustrates his theoretical conclusions with concrete examples from educational practice. He underlines the necessity of a gradual rise of the study load of grammar school students from lower classes to higher ones which should he accompanied by an increasing share of their creative study activities both at school and during their preparation at home.
The goal of these optimalization interferences is to be seen in the effort to achieve a higher effectivity in the educational process at the grammar school and to provide a better preparation of its graduates for a successful university study.
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