(CZ) K politickým zápasům o školu v českých zemích na konci 19. století
(EN) To the Political Struggles for School in the Czech Lands at the End of the 19th Century
Autor / Author: Cach, J., Rýdl, K., Valenta, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The study of the workers of the Facuhy of Arts, Charles University, Prague, deals with the events preceeding and following the taking of the reactionary amendment of the Education Act in 1883. In the struggles of obsolete and reactionary conception of school policy against the conception progressive at that time the views of upbringing and education of clergy and other surviving resources of the feudal society, of liberal bourgeoisie of both the Old-Czech and the Young- Czech orientation, intelligentsia, teachers, as well as the pioneers of socialism, clash. Permanent tension between theory and practice, regularities of history of school institutions and pedagogic theories being the evidence, is projected to the school — political struggles in this case.
The ideologists of the reactionary amendment concentrated on the weak points of the School Act of 1869 in the sphere of the relations of the state, the education system and the Roman-Catholic Church and the sphere of compulsory school attendance of all children up to the age of fourteen, due to which the backward monarchy ranked to the most progressive states. The defence of the achievements of the Act and the liberal bourgeois pedagogics was broicen down by the manoeuvre of the Czech Membres of Parliaments' Club in Vienna having become the ally of the reaction. The amendment brought about strenghthening the ties of the Roman-Catholic Church and the school, allowed tolerance as to attandance and lowered education of primary school teachers.
The amendment was faught against firstly by the representatives of the profressive teachers movement, profressive pedagogues and after 1885 also by the social-democratic press.
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