(CZ) K teórii osnovania učiva odborných náuk na strednej škole pre pracujúcich
(EN) On the Theory of Syllabus-Making in Technical Subjects
Autor / Author: Palúch, Š.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The secondary school for working people, which only came Into being in the school-year 1959/60, Is to play an Im portant social rôle, viz. to enable the working youth to obtain, while working, complete secondary eduInstitution it has to handle many current pedagogical and organizational problems. These include In the first place technical subjects, which take up 4 out of 18 teaching periods a week. Technical subjects have a special mission: they represent k direct link between the students and their places of work. Even if there is not enough experience with secondary school for working people, the question of syllabuses of technical subjects requires immediate attention. This question Is topical mainly because syllabuses of technical subjects are not Issued centrally, but are worked out by the school together with the factory in which the students are employed. For this reason the author has tried to analyse the question of drawing up syllabuses of technical subjects at the secondary school for working people In such a way as to riiake the results of the analysis serve practice directly. He starts by showing how syllabuses are being made at present and goes on to suggest how to proceed in the future, how to maintain, when deciding about the subject-matter to be Included In the syllabus, the unity In conceiving the alms and functions of technical subjects.
After extensive theoretical deliberations based on practical examples, the author concludes by expressing the following pedagogical principles for drawing up syllabuses of techrilcal subjects at secondary schools for working people: 1. The principle of scientific correctness. Syllabuses must conform to the latest developjnents In science and technology. 2. The principle of respecting the needs of factories and firms, general perspectives of scientific and technical developments as well as workers’ qualifications. 3. The principle of respecting the standard of knowledge of the workers who are going to attend the secondary school for working people. 4. The principle of application of all subject components of technical subjects In a compact system. 5. The principle of application of laboratory methods and practical training In the teaching process and to draw up syllabuses from this aspect. 6. The principle of drawing up detailed syllabuses with introductory remarks, the subject-matter being set out in detail, Including laboratory work, excursions, laboratory and practical training. 7, The principle of syllabuses being made collectively.
The author Is convinced that the application of these principles in drawing up syllabuses will help to raise the level of instruction in technical subjects at the secondary school fior working people.cation. As a new educational
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