(CZ) Výrobní práce na dvanáctileté střední škole v Písku
(EN) Productive Labour at the Písek Twelwe-Year School
Autor / Author: Trajer, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
In this article the author describes the content, the organisation and the first experiences of productive labour [productive trades instruction with productive labour) with pupils of the 10th lorni of the Twelve-Year Secondary School at Písek.
The school is located in old buildings, but with the help of factories, parents and National Committees new laboratories have been built for physics, chemistry and biology, two workshop pavilions have been erected, the necessary facilities have been provided for laboratory work, including eqiiipment, tools, machines for workshops, and the like.
The actual productive labour is connected with textile production, agriculture and engineering. Theoretical subjects (technology and engineering, or in agriculture livestock, crop production and engineering) are taught in the 10th to 12th form and take up 4 lessons a week in each form, while practical productive work is assigned 6 hours a week in the 10th and 11th and 8 hours in the 12th form.
The first experiences are very encouraging. Pupils like to work in factories. While attending the last three forms of the Twelve-Year School, they are to ecquire a basic qualification in the trade they have chosen. The alternation of mental and conscious manual work has a beneficial influence on the pupils’ health and contributes to in creasing their interest in work in general. Pupils become acquainted with' skilled manual work, they get to know workers, the actual creators of material assets, their discipline and attitude to work improves; the positive aspects of their characters are further developed, etc. Both workers and parents highly appraise the pupils’ work.
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