(CZ) Náčrt Komenského díla ve světle nových objevů
(EN) Náčrt Komenského díla ve světle nových objevů
Autor / Author: Patočka, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The great discoveries of Comenius' works in the thirties of this century, a more consistent inquiry into many problems and facts not analysed in detail before, arid a revision of many older theories call for a new general appreciation of Comenius. The author has attempted to give a preliminary outline of such a reappreciation. The new aspects he stresses are: escape from the world in comforting writings is overcome by didactic work, by the idea of restoring Czech and human matters; the pansoph idea, stimulated by Campanella and Bacon, but worked out independently, had arisen before the Czech Didactic; the role played by Comenius in creating a new. rationalized, planned and organized way of human life, particularly in political, social and economic matters; his participation in giving rise to the idea of progress in the 17th century; »General Consultation on the Reform of Matters Concerning Mankind« as being one of the greatest syntheses of ideas in the 17th century; the basic significance of his »All-Reform « for the idea of international organisation.
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