(CZ) Istota z volby školy a sebarealizácia schopností a záujmov mládeže
(EN) Confidence Arising from the Correct Choice of Education and Application of the Capabilities and Interests of Young People
Autor / Author: Grác, J.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
The study is based on research work with 938 secondary school pupils of the last forms of the secondary schools and 845 university students from the first three semesters. Using the method of explorative records of feedback the students were administered a scale of study dissatisfaction (scale SD), which determined how the students experience the problems of self-application from such aspects as are the questions of gaining confidence from the right choice of school, enabling them to be fully satisfy their interests. The results measured on the scale SD were compared with the results gained by other methodics as well as with pertinent local and foreign sources in literature. In connection with the research of confidence in the correct choice of school or study branch a medium level of dissatisfaction was measured. Its justification was proved by other research methods. It was, for example, found that only two thirds of the students would, if they could repeat their choice, keep to their original one. In connection with the unsatisfactorily satisfied interests and capabilities, the research showed that the given state was not due to the unattractiveness of the teaching, but to the fact that the present study plans are unable to fully cover the existing interests of the students. On the other hand, it is typical for the young people that they stay unsatisfied educational influence on the students in without developing the necessary activity the sense that they should themselves be ' to compensate the uncovered interests by able to differentiate between the seeming independent study of pertinent literature, needs of study self-realization and the This points to the need of a constant actually existing ones.
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