(CZ) K poslání a rozvoji politicko-odborné přípravy a zvyšování kvalifikace vedoucích pracovníků (cyklické průpravy) v rámci československé výchovně vzdělávací soustavy
(EN) The Task and the Development of Political and Specialist Training and Raising the Qualification of Executives (Cyclical Training) within the Framework of the Czechoslovak Educational System
Autor / Author: Ernst, P.
Klíčová slova / Key words:
After the initial period of construction and organizational consolidation of the system of cyclical training of executives in the economic deparments of our national economy the task has arisen of substantially increasing the effectiveness of this training. The author shows that one of the main pre-requisites for the fulfilment of this task is furmer clarification and consistent realization of the specific mission of cychcal training of executives within the framework of the Czechoslovak educational system, in accordance with the intentions expressed in the document of the Ministty of Education of the Czech Socialist Republic and that of the Slovak Socialist RepuDlic entided "Further Development of the Czechoslovak Educational System" of 1976.
The specific nature of the mission of the cyclical trsuning system in the departments is seen in various forms of practical training on the one hand, and in theoretical training of an applied character on the other hand. Both these mutually linked components of cyclical training are oriented in such a way as to meet the requirements of successful performance of the respective executive functions, and they proceed from the aims and content of the executives’ traininc in inter-related educational systems. So far the existing forms of cyclical training have, to a considerable extent, failed to fulfil thus conceived mission, which leads to diminishing the interest of die participants and their organizations.
The mission of the departmental system of cyclical training referred to in this article is hnked with the conception of this system as being a part of, and an instrument for, the development of management of economic departments and their organizations.
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