CLOSE – Czech Longitudinal Study in Education
Czech Longitudinal Study in Education (CLoSE) is a unique 7-year research project (2012-2018) jointly pursued by the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Národohospodářský ústav AV ČR), National Training Fund (Národní vzdělávací fond), and the Insititute for Research and Development of Education, Faculty of Education at Charles University in Prague. The project is financed by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic as a “Center of Excellence”.
CLoSE undertakes a comprehensive research program in order to gain a better understanding of the key issues related to schooling, skill acquisition, and achievement. It expands on the knowledge about the formation of skills and their relationship to labor market outcomes, as well as substantially expand the existing evidence on skill creation and its impact in the Czech Republic (CR).
Thanks to its multidisciplinary nature and the use of cutting edge research methods in the social sciences, CLoSE employs multiple research techniques and spans numerous topics. Its highlights include new datasets – extensive longitudinal data sets and several smaller experimental data sets.